Your baby measures about 6.5 inches/ 16.5 centimetres from crown to rump and is steadily gaining weight. A whitish coat of a slick, fatty substance called vernix caseosa begins to cover your baby and protects the skin during its long immersion in amniotic fluid. It also eases delivery. The baby's swallowing more this week, good practice for the digestive system. After your baby takes in amniotic fluid, his body absorbs the water in the liquid and moves the rest into the large bowel.
I am still so itchy with the psuedoporphyria! It's costing not just me but Ri sleep because he wakes when I wake, and I have been waking up so much with the itchiness. It's all over my arms, legs and above my chest (the areas exposed to sun). I need to have about three showers a day to rinse off all the cream that I have been putting on. The exhaustion plus the itchiness plus the fact that there is next to nothing I can take or use for it has left me very teary over the weekend. I had at least two episodes of crying out of frustration, I honestly felt a little like a toddler!
I am still so itchy with the psuedoporphyria! It's costing not just me but Ri sleep because he wakes when I wake, and I have been waking up so much with the itchiness. It's all over my arms, legs and above my chest (the areas exposed to sun). I need to have about three showers a day to rinse off all the cream that I have been putting on. The exhaustion plus the itchiness plus the fact that there is next to nothing I can take or use for it has left me very teary over the weekend. I had at least two episodes of crying out of frustration, I honestly felt a little like a toddler!
I also decided to start a little bit of an exercise plan last week to increase me upper arm strength, I've got two one kilo bars and about 5 little arm exercises that I do a couple of times a day. I'm hoping to add more exercises as I see results. I have found lifting things in the kitchen, like the kettle, has been a littl
e easier. Last night my right arm got insanely sore and I relised I pulled my first ever muscle as a result of not stretching prior to exercise! Wish me luck!

As for 'normal' preggy things, I have not yet had a craving that I would consider to be a pregnancy craving.
My belly has finally started to show as a pregnancy belly and not just a too-much-pasta belly.
And we had our 20 week scan on Friday!
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