Friday, March 25, 2011

Baby Shower bits and pieces

Here are some bits and pieces I've found on the internet that I like so far. I don't really have a proper theme yet....

I love the bee/honey theme!

And everything pink...

I like the idea of a garden-y theme with the butterflies...

Or an asian-y theme

I LOVE cupcakes!

Pretty much if everything is sweet and pink I'll be happy!

What I have to do differently (part 1)

I'm pulling my finger out and finally doing my first arthritis post! Here is a quick summery of three things that we've had to do because I'm not only pregnant but have arthritis.
The first thing Ri did for me was raise the couch. He built that wooden stand underneath so I don't have to struggle to get up as I get bigger (and to tell you the truth, it's hard enough getting up from a couch when I am NOT pregnant).

The next thing that I bet I am doing differently is working on my upper arm strength because there is doubt I will be able to lift my own baby.
I'm hoping to show that where there is a will...

The last thing that I'll share for now is that the arthritis is impacting on what we buy for Pook's. This is our pram and we picked this one (the MOST expensive by far) not because it's expensive or pretty but because it was the highest of all the prams by a long way!
I'm hoping to use it to get her around the house.

23 weeks

Your baby now weighs a little over 500 grams and measures about 29 centimetres from crown to heel. Her hearing is well established and she can make out a distorted version of your voice, the beating of your heart and your stomach rumblings. Loud noises often heard in utero, such as the barking of a dog next door or the roar of a vacuum cleaner, probably won't bother your child when she hears them outside the womb.

Numerous studies seem to indicate that the unborn prefer classical music, especially Vivaldi. Play The Four Seasons for your child and pay attention to her movements. Does she quieten down during adagio sections and speed up for the allegro portions? You may have a budding conductor in your wo
I don't know why this photo is so small!
I have been pretty hopeless with this blog! I always have ideas as to what I want to put up, but because I always access the internet on my Iphone (and have NO idea how to blog using my Iphone).
I will try to do a better job next week!
This week Ri was pretty sick, since August last year he has had about 4 bouts of random non-stop vomitting. It seems like a bit much for a normal 25 year old, so I've set up an appointment for him to see MY GP (I don't trust his GP).
So I've had Ri home during the day with me for two days, not as much fun as you'd think considering he mainly slept.
He has developed a new game with Pook's (bubs) this week. When she kicks his hand, he pokes her (lightly) and she'll usually boot him right back, and they'll have a back and forth for a little while. He says he is training her to reliably kick so he can teach her to kick maltesers.
He is going to be a great dad.
As for me? I've been pretty good this week! My itchy skin is getting better, I don't think my bump is that big yet. It's getting a little bit more difficult to get comfy at night. I'm getting full quicker and have to make an effort to eat smaller meals more frequently.
We have our first antenatal class tomorrow. Yikes!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

22 weeks

Your baby now looks like a miniature newborn. His lips are becoming more distinct and his eyes have developed; though the iris still lacks pigment, his eyebrows and eyelids are in place. His pancreas, essential for hormone production, is developing steadily and the first signs of teeth are showing beneath his gum line. Before you know it, your baby will be smiling at you

It's been another busy week! We're looking at putting in an offer for a house this week (we don't think they will accept... but they are dreaming if they think they'll get much more with the market the way it is right now!)
I had my first appointment with a physio to start building up my strength and stamina.
We made a big effort to catch up with friends and family on the weekend.
Ri went out and bought our pram (a teal stokke - LOVE), a high chair, some bottles and a baby monitor.
I really would like the Stokke change table, but it's $1000 and you can get change tables from IKEA for $70, so Ri's plan is to buy the IKEA one and modified it to make it more like the Stokke one (higher).
I had a weird thing happen with my belly this week! I felt huge on Saturday and then woke up one Sunday to find that my bump has all but disappeared! (she changed positions apparently!)
I think the bump size has gone back to where it was on Saturday. So many people said to me that I was only going to get bigger from here on out that it was such a surprize to see it gone!
Even with my copy of 'what to expect' I am still getting a lot of surprizes!
Everyone says not to go out and buy stuff yourself as you will get heaps of stuff at the baby shower/when the baby arrives, so I've been doing my best not to buy things.
I was very happy to get this hello kitty onesie from a work mate this week!
I canNOT wait for the baby shower!
Maybe I should start planning it!
A date has been set for it in May.
All I know is that I want a LOT of pink! And balloons! And cupcakes!
I'll have to start researching inspiration!

Monday, March 7, 2011

21 weeks

The fetus now weighs about 360 grams. Up until now she has been measured from crown to rump but from this point on the measurement will be from crown to heel. And from crown to heel she is approximately 27 centimetres long. The eyebrows and eyelids are fully developed and the fingernails cover the fingertips.

Your baby can now hear your conversations. If you talk, read, or sing to your baby, expect her to hear you. Some studies have found that newborns will suck more vigorously when read to from a book they heard frequently in utero. If you want to try, pick a book now and read it out loud. Make sure you won't mind reading it over and over once the baby is here. It may be your baby's favourite bedtime story for a long time after birth.

In the last week or so I have POPPED! I was lying back on the couch on the weekend and looking at me made Ri go 'woah! when did that happen? You've really POPPED!'
Thank you hunny, even though I know you're not calling ME fat it still has a weird feeling to it when people start saying I'm looking 'big' or 'round.'
Here are the things that I have been thinking about in the last week.
Naming: Her nicknames are Pookey, Kookey or KiKi, she pretty much does have a people name, but I want to wait until she is born before I call her by that name. I've stopped telling people our top 3 favourite names as I got sick of other peoples opinions! One name in particular has been picked on a lot!
Kicking: She's been pretty consistent since that first kick last month, earlier last week she settled down a lot over two days, to the point where I was getting a little bit worried! So I had a rolo and a can of pepsi max with dinner and sure enough she started dancing around with all the sugar. She doesn't do a lot of repetitive moments, I find that she wakes up, has a couple of rolls, a couple of punchs and a few kicks and then falls back to sleep. I feel a bit of pressure changing now and then too and assume she's stretching.
Medications/Skin: My skin has been slowly recovering from that really itchy bumpy thing that I had going on a few weeks ago. I suspected it was a reaction to aspirin and last night I took it for the second night in a row after having about two weeks off only to experience what I call a 'thumping blood pressure headache.' My heart felt like it was thumping loud and fast in my chest and I couldn't sleep because all I could hear was my heart. I won't be taking it again tonight.
Buying stuff: I've bought her a lil dress and a bodysuit with a zip, mum seems to think that I'm going nuts and buying way too much, but I thought I was being restrained!
Maternity clothes: I have bought some black pants, some socks, a nighty, a bump belt and some (uh-hum) larger underpants.

I'm hoping to do another post tomorrow updating how we've started adapting its and pieces to help me when she's born.