Numerous studies seem to indicate that the unborn prefer classical music, especially Vivaldi. Play The Four Seasons for your child and pay attention to her movements. Does she quieten down during adagio sections and speed up for the allegro portions? You may have a budding conductor in your wo

I don't know why this photo is so small!
I have been pretty hopeless with this blog! I always have ideas as to what I want to put up, but because I always access the internet on my Iphone (and have NO idea how to blog using my Iphone).
I will try to do a better job next week!
This week Ri was pretty sick, since August last year he has had about 4 bouts of random non-stop vomitting. It seems like a bit much for a normal 25 year old, so I've set up an appointment for him to see MY GP (I don't trust his GP).
So I've had Ri home during the day with me for two days, not as much fun as you'd think considering he mainly slept.
He has developed a new game with Pook's (bubs) this week. When she kicks his hand, he pokes her (lightly) and she'll usually boot him right back, and they'll have a back and forth for a little while. He says he is training her to reliably kick so he can teach her to kick maltesers.
He is going to be a great dad.
As for me? I've been pretty good this week! My itchy skin is getting better, I don't think my bump is that big yet. It's getting a little bit more difficult to get comfy at night. I'm getting full quicker and have to make an effort to eat smaller meals more frequently.
We have our first antenatal class tomorrow. Yikes!
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