Your baby now weighs nearly 2 pounds/ 875 grams and measures 14.5 inches/ 36.6 centimetres from head to toe. Her eyes open and close, she sleeps and wakes at regular intervals and she may suck a finger or thumb. The photo is of me yesterday at a wedding.

It was such a nice wedding! With just a beautifully written ceremony! And a sit down breakfast! As for me, I'm starting to feel a bit better today, I've been taking steroids for my arthritis and that has made a huge difference to my pain during the day. Now all I need is to figure out how to get to sleep in under 4 hours and I'll be set! She is getting so big! I don't feel the same kicks that she was doing a week ago, now she seems to roll about just under the surface! I've felt her in two places at once (and these places were NOT that close together) suggesting that she is getting SO big! I am completely in love with her name, the more we call her by her name the more it just seems right. It has been so hard not just telling everyone! But I enjoy the surprize when I get the birth messages from my friends and seeing the name for the first time. So I'm hoping to give everyone that experience. This week I've started looking into childcare. Ah that guilt. We are planning on putting her in childcare relatively early (3-6 months of age) for a couple of days a week, regardless of whether I've started back at work SO I can have a break (or work). I have
so much guilt about this! But it just makes sense, I'm going to need help. If I don't give myself time to have a break my body will just stop working and then I will be no use to her. But still it makes my heart cold with guilt. The baby shower is getting there. Very slowly. My SIL has been having some great ideas. So has my mum. And two of my good friends. Unfortunately everyone's been having these ideas completely independently! And I find it very hard to say no to great ideas! So the party will probably end up like a little bit of a quilt. With everyone's ideas put together. I'm so excited about it!! Tomorrow is my OBs appointment and next week is our 4D scan!
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