Your baby now weighs about 2 kilograms and measures approximately 44 centimetres from head to toe. Your baby should already be getting ready for delivery by turning upside-down -- his head should be pointing down.
Our little one very rarely sits in the correct position. She is usually sideways or breech. I use her hiccups as a way to figure out where her head is. I was expecting her to stay put from about 30 weeks, but she is past 33 weeks and still rearranging herself. At the scan I went to last week she started off in breech and then, as if she heard what we were saying about her, she flipped without me noticing or the radiographer (who did not lift her wand off my tummy!) the radiographer was surprized, to say the least!

I did enjoy our non-medical scan in April, but I do have to say that the quality of the images are just so much better at the proper medical scans! They just have the equipment that really captures everything!
If we are lucky enough to have a second baby I'd probably just try and score a late medical scan instead of going to a place that only does scans for fun.

I had my first round of Braxton Hicks yesterday and boy did THAT have me a bit concerned! I had read that there was no pattern to Braxtons Hicks so when I started feeling my bump tense up every five minutes I was thinking that it must be preterm labour! (After an hour they stopped, so then I was like, oh wait! must be Braxton Hicks! I called the midwife who agreed it was Braxton Hicks).
I waited an hour because I reeeally did not want to rush to hospital to be told that it was Braxton Hicks. I was sitting in bed thinking *I have a masters degree! I will be able to figure out if this is labour* Mum was so cranky at me! She made me promise that I will go to the hospital if I ever get concerned again.
It all had me really bothered because in my mind me move FIRST, set up the nursery and then baby comes on the date the doctor tells us next week. I had in no way planned for her to arrive before we moved! My bag isn't even packed!
For a 'smart' person I am a big idiot sometimes!
So my goal for this week is to finish packing my hospital bag!
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