Oh how I feel all 2 point something kilos of little baby! My mum looked at me yesterday and said out of nowhere, 'poor bugger! I was never that big' and then later that same day I was dressed ready to go out for dinner and my younger brother asked 'are you wearing a moo-moo?'
So I'm guessing I must look as big as I feel. I've added a second picture today because the one from baby centre.com is always in the correct position, but my little maverick likes to sit sideways. I think I can imagine how she is sitting, the majority of her bulk is usually on the right side with her head a bit higher than everything else. (This is a mental image I have developed from hiccup locations and general poking).
A side-ways baby is delivered by c-section. I've already been booked in for a c-section due to my arthritis/bilateral hip replacements. Since the very beginning of the pregnancy I have thought that I would need a c-section and I have to say that it does not really bother me that much, I mean in my case it's the safest thing for me and baby so what can be wrong with that? I was googling c-sections the other day and I was surprised at some of the things out there! I read one persons opinion, which was that doctors are plotting and planning to make sure everyone needs a c-section because it's how they have the most control and then this site went on to say that no matter the size of bubs or the womans health that the baby can be delivered naturally.
Now I am all for natural birth, but that message feels dangerous to me!
This week my blood pressure has shot up, so I've had to be assessed for pre-eclampsia. Luckily it looks like I don't have it just yet, but all of the women in my mum's familiy got it so mum tells me just to expect it at some stage.
Also this week we are moving house! We got the keys on Monday and have been slowly moving our bits and pieces over after work. On Saturday we will be moving the bigger items (beds, couch, tables, fridge).

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