By 36 weeks I had had it. I sat at home the entire week (from week 35-36) and practiced. I was practicing what I was going to say to convince my OB that my baby needed to be removed before my booked in c-section date (which was the 8th of July). I just felt awful. I was short of breath all the time. I was very aware of my heart, that seemed to race every now and then, even when I was not doing anything. I could not reach my tush!
I was exhausted and over it.
So when I had my appointment at 36 weeks (on the 21st of June) the first thing I said was, 'what do I have to say to get you to bring the c-section date forward.' There was nothing that I could say. However because my blood pressure was quite high and I was reporting cardiac and respirtory problems my OB decided to admit me that afternoon.
So I was admitted to the Royal Brisbane, into a four bed bay. That night I think they did an ECG and some bloods.
The next morning (the 22nd) they did more bloods and organised for me to have a VQ scan (for blood clots), an ECHO and to have a halter heart monitor put in place for 24 hours. They moved me to my own room and suggested that it might be best for me to stay in hospital until the delivery date, that will likely be earlier than the 8th.
All the heart and lung tests came back fine.
The next day (the 23rd) they started talking about bringing the c-section date to the 29th. I was very happy with that. That morning I felt great and spent the morning reading and just chilling out. That afternoon I went into early labour. Labour for me is very risky, its not an option really. When I write it down it looks so simple. But it started at 2pm and I had doctors in and out trying to figure out what to do until about 6-7 pm when they decided yes it was labour and that they needed to medicate me to stop the labour and the doctor I saw that night said that the baby would likely need to come out the next morning.
The next morning (the 24th) it was like the previous day had not happened and I was told that the c-section was now booked for the 29th. My labour had been successfully stopped, however when I got up I was hit by a massive headache and my vision was blurry. That afternoon after a day of umming and ahhing they decided that I was suffering from Pre-eclampsia and that the next day would be her delivery date!
... and it was.